Over 27 faculty members from 10 departments at UC Davis have joined together to create a new Designated Emphasis (DE) in Computational Social Science!

Starting in Fall 2019, the DE in Computational Social Science is offered to PhD Students from: Communication, Economics, Computer Science, Geography, Linguistics, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology.

What’s a DE?

A Designated Emphasis (DE) is an area of specialization that maps near the edges and overlaps with the traditional disciplinary boundaries that define existing Ph.D. programs. The curriculum of a DE focuses on emerging fields, methods and technologies that are interdisciplinary in nature and, by definition, are relevant to more than one doctoral program. DE exist only in affiliation with existing Ph.D. programs, and not independently. Completion of the requirements for a DE and an affiliated Ph.D. are reflected in the notation on the Doctoral Diploma: “Ph.D. in X with Emphasis in Computational Social Science”. To learn more about DE’s, see: https://grad.ucdavis.edu/programs/designated-emphases.

CSS DE Requirements

Full requirements for the new CSS DE are described here: https://css.ucdavis.edu/requirements.html.

The CSS DE’s mandatory course (which should be taken before the qualifying exam) will be offered in Fall Quarter 2019. Sign up now for CMN 275Y (CRN 63988): 5:10-7:00 PM in Kerr 386 on Wednesdays.

General course description: “Survey of modern computational research methods. Big data, social network analysis, machine learning, Agent-based computer simulations. Online lectures are taught by faculty from all 10 UC campuses. Local face-to-face discussion section. Only two units of credit to students who have taken CMN 150V. “

The ambition is to create an interdisciplinary group of students working on joint projects beyond course requirements. Sign up for the mandatory course to become part of this research group right away!

Questions? Contact https://css.ucdavis.edu/people.html