Mapping OA data in space and time along the western USA with Bodega Marine Laboratory researchers and students.

DataLab is partnering with Professor Tessa Hill at the Bodega Marine Laboratory to support efforts to develop an oceanographic synthesis of publicly available datasets to understand how changing ocean conditions will impact coastal habitats along the western USA. This effort aims to provide detailed interpretations of how ocean acidification and related stressors can be managed by decision makers along the U.S. West Coast.

Changing ocean chemistry, due to rising carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, has a myriad of potential implications for marine life. Anticipated and observed decreases in ocean pH and concurrent changes in the carbonate chemistry reduce growth, calcification, reproduction, and survival in many organisms. The negative outcomes of ocean acidification will be amplified by interactions with other stressors, such as declines in dissolved oxygen and increases in temperature. Chief among affected organisms are species of economic, ecological and cultural importance along the West Coast of the U.S, such as abalone, urchins, crabs, mussels, and clams. Revenue declines, job losses and other indirect financial costs, as well as socio-cultural shifts may accompany the negative impacts of OA on marine life.

In Spring 2020 DataLab is supporting the modeling and generation of visual tools including maps to aid policy, management and decision making along the West Coast.


DataLab: Wesley Brooks (technical lead), Michele Tobias, Carl Stahmer, Pamela Reynolds

Domain leads: postdoctoral scholar Dr. Aurora Ricart and Professor Tessa Hill

Engaged graduate students and staff: Carina Fish, Esther Kennedy, Sarah Merolla, Hannah Palmer, Alisha Saley, Melissa Ward, Megan Zulian

Other faculty: Professors Brian Gaylord and Eric Sanford