The DataLab is excited to announce the premiere of a new tool for our community. ProQuest TDM (Text Data Mining) Studio is a feature rich platform for finding relationships, patterns, and connections within and between text data sets. Its built in collaboration tools allow research teams to work together in a common workspace, sharing data and analyses as they work. TDM Studio provides access to current and historical ProQuest content (news, journals, dissertations and theses, primary sources and more) as licensed by the home university. Researchers also have the option to upload their own data into the platform. TDM Studio provides a number of built in tools, and also allows scripting in R and Python for analyses and visualizations.

To learn more about the capabilities of TDM Studio read the brochure, or visit the TMD Studio website here.

To reserve your time on the TDM Workspace, please read more on our services page.