Davis Julia Users Group

Julia Logo, Copyright (c) 2012-2019: Stefan Karpinski
Julia Logo Copyright (c) 2012-2019: Stefan Karpinski

The Davis Julia Users Group is a study group about learning to program in Julia, with specific focus on applications to data science and scientific computing. Community members from all disciplines and at all levels of experience are welcome! Prior programming experience in some other language will likely make learning easier, but isn’t required.

Beginning Fall Quarter 2022, we’ll read 1-2 sections of Julia Data Science or MIT’s Julia-based Intro to Computational Thinking course each week and meet for an informal discussion of what we learned. Once we finish those references, we’ll explore other references and case studies. Members can also volunteer to give short, informal presentations or lead discussions about specific topics and applications.

If you’re interested in participating, sign up for the mailing list (see below)!

Fall 2022 Schedule

Beginning Oct 27th, we’ll meet every Thursday from 1-2pm (prior to this, meetings were at a different day and time). Check the table below for readings for the upcoming week.

DateBefore MeetingTopics
Sep 28Skim Julia Data Science (JDS) Sections 1-3.1
Install Julia 1.8.1
Install Pluto
Watch MIT’s Working with Images in Julia
Work through MIT Notebook 1.1
Discuss goals & pace for learning group
Check everyone can run Julia & Pluto
Discuss reading
Oct 5Read JDS Chapter 3The ! notation for functions
Discuss reading
Oct 12Read JDS Chapter 4Using keyword arguments
Discuss reading
Oct 19No Meeting – Cancelled
Oct 27Read the Gadfly.jl Tutorial & DocsDiscuss reading
Nov 3Read 1+ sections from the Julia ManualControl flow, numbers, modules, packaging
Nov 10Read 1+ sections from the Julia ManualAsync code, strings, regex, functions
Nov 17Read 1+ sections from the Julia ManualMetaprogramming, macros
Nov 24No Meeting – Thanksgiving Week
Dec 1Read 1+ sections from the Julia ManualLLVM code, shell commands, string macros
Dec 8No Meeting – Cancelled
Dec 15

Subscribe to Our Mailing List

You can subscribe to the DJUG mailing list by sending an email to sympa@ucdavis.edu with the subject line

subscribe julia-users-group firstname lastname

where you replace firstname and lastname with your actual first and last name.

To unsubscribe, send an email to sympa@ucdavis.edu with the subject line

signoff julia-users-group email@youraddress.com

i.e., replace email@youraddress.com with your actual email).

You can also add and manage your subscriptions on the Sympa manager.

Need subscription help? Check out IET’s Mailing lists User Guide and subscription help.