
The DataLab offers workshops (short seminars, half to full day, or multiple day modules) that complement the material taught in regular courses, provide hands-on applications, and present new topics and under development techniques. Workshop topics depend on the needs of our data science community and available expertise.

Suggest a Workshop

Interested in a specific topic? Complete this form or send us an email to suggest a topic for a future workshop.

All members of the UC Davis community (students, postdocs, faculty, staff) are welcome to register.DataLab Affiliates have priority registration.

The DataLab offers workshops (short seminars, half to full day, or multiple day modules) that complement the material taught in regular courses, provide hands-on applications, and present new topics and under development techniques. Workshop topics depend on the needs of our data science community and available expertise. All members of the UC Davis community (students, postdocs, faculty, staff) are welcome to register. DataLab Affiliates have priority registration.

Workshops are announced here and on our listserv. Subscribe for notices about future workshops.

All workshops are in the DataLab Classroom, room 360 in Shields Library. Workshops are generally on Fridays from 9:30am – noon unless otherwise noted.

** Click the workshop title for the full description, necessary prerequisites, and registration link.**